Terms of sales

Conditions of premium subscription sales

Waiver of the right of withdrawal

In accordance with Article L.121-28 of the Consumer Code, the customer expressly waives his right of withdrawal.

Dispute resolution

Before initiating a dispute procedure with a bank or any other service, the party must first contact KataBump at support@KataBump.com in order to reach an amicable settlement. In the absence of this prior step, KataBump reserves the right to charge the complainant with filing fees. In case of refusal to pay these fees by the customer, KataBump reserves the right to use a debt collection service or to seize a competent court.

Contractual commitment

All services provided by KataBump are without commitment and can be terminated at any time. In case of a termination request by e-mail, if the termination is not processed in time and the service renews despite the request, KataBump will refund the amount of the unwanted renewal.